Monday, February 25, 2019

TwosDay - Sean - Google Hangouts W/ Students

Google hangouts is a way to meet with students outside the walls of your classroom to hold meaningful and “face to face” interactions.  Late review sessions after school or online tutorials for difficult topics become a reality with this app.  In conjunction with screencasting you can record your sessions to share out later or for a student to look at even if they can't find the time to meet live!  

TwosDay - Amanda - ScreenCastOMatic For Chromebooks

I love using screencasting as a tool in my classroom to give all students a voice. There are several options but I personal use screencast-o-matic and was frustrated that they didn’t have a chrome extension so my students could use it. That is until now! There is now a chrome extension available in the chrome store. Have your students add it today and start screencasting! If you would like lesson ideas for screencasting or have questions please reach out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

TwosDay - Sean - Rubric Creator for Student Voice

There are some great tools out there related to rubrics, for assessments of all sorts. The one that I’ve grown to like most is called Rubistar and can be accessed by going to: This site has a bunch of different categories with hundreds of pre-populated performance level identifiers, but also provides the ability to customize any piece of it. My favorite way to use this is by putting it into my students’ hands during their 20% Time / Passion Projects and letting them create their own rubric by which they’ll be graded. This tool is free and does not require an account. 

TwosDay - Cory - Kahoot Student Questions

Kahoot is a well known tool that can feel like a lot of work on the teacher’s end to create something that may not be the payoff you were hoping for.  Here is a great twist on making a Kahoot that allows students in your classroom to create the questions using a simple Google Form.  Once students submit their questions and answers, the teacher can upload those spreadsheet results to Kahoot in order to automatically populate the questions. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

TwosDay - Allison - Notifications For Google Sheets

If you have spreadsheets or form responses that you don’t look at every day (or even every week...month...), but still want to know when someone makes a change on it, this notification tool will be great for you! Within Sheets, you can set it to send you a notification email either instantly or daily when another user edits the sheet or a new form response is submitted. The notification email gives a link where you can easily see exactly what was changed within your sheet, so you don’t have to search for differences. Plus, the other collaborators on your spreadsheet will not know you are getting notifications, so you don’t have to worry about looking like a weird sheet-stalker either! More info can be found here, or stop by the HOTSpot for help!

TwosDays - Bob - Variations on Quizlet Live

While students do enjoy a few rounds of Quizlet Live every once in a while, they would probably appreciate it even more with a little variety. offers several ways to play Quizlet Live, and in this video, we showcase four of them.  If you would like to know more, follow this link to

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

TwosDay - Brandon - Insert Learning

What Edpuzzle does for video, Insert Learning does for articles and webpages.  Turn traditional articles and websites into interactive lessons and discussions.  Students can experience literacy in a unique way and are given the chance to share their voice in a safe place.  The free version is limited, but with some creativity, you can take advantage of this great resource.

TwosDay - Mystery Guest - Tab Management With Tab Cloud

A big welcome to our mystery guest! Check out his video about the TabCloud Extension. TabCloud allows you to save and restore window sessions over time and across multiple computers. Save your windows and time by downloading this extension today.  Feel free to reach out to the mystery guest or a tech coach with any questions. Also, don’t forget to comment below the video if you can guess who is the mystery guest.