Tuesday, December 10, 2019

TwosDays - Amanda - Overdrive & National Geographic

This video was shared in November, but it’s a great reminder for those long road trips or relaxation time over break!

Don’t forget you can check-out audiobooks as well as online printed materials from the website/ app Overdrive! We are so fortunate to have amazing resources provided not only to our students but teachers through the LMC. Overdrive is a digital library that students, as well as staff, can use to download an e-book or audio book. You can download the app and read the books on your phone or iPad or use your school device to access the books and audiobooks. National Geographic is also an amazing database that you and your students can use to access every magazine with full image scans since 1888! Check out these resources from the LMC homepage and feel free to reach out to Monica Tolva or myself for more help.

TwosDay - Amanda - Top Educator Podcasts to Enjoy

Are you taking a long road trip over break or planning some downtime to relax on a beach or next to a cozy fire? Check out these top podcasts to enjoy during your time off. Visit this blog post to see a list of the top 25 educator podcasts for 2019 and leave a comment if there are any podcasts you can suggest for our staff. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

TwosDay - Bob - Google Slides for Video Editing

Is there a video you would love to show your class but only in part? Maybe the first twenty minutes and the last five? Google Slides offers an easy, albeit rudimentary way to “edit” video segments together in a presentation.  Take a look at this video to see how to use the “Format Options” menu in Google Slides to specify start and end times for videos across several slides to show precisely the parts you want and omit the parts you don’t.

TwosDays - Sean - GIFs In Slides

Information overload can be a real struggle. Images can be super helpful to summarize content, and sometimes GIFs can be even more helpful. Finding and inserting GIFs into a Google Slide is super easy. Check out how to do that with this quick video.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

TwosDay - Cory - First Slide AddOn

Making a copy for students is great, but once it is out, you can’t add that slide or put new information into their decks- until now!  With First Slide, you are able to do a variety of tasks if you have already sent out a slide deck for the students to work on.  Adding a blank slide, making a comment, putting in your own slide, or even reading the text they have on the first slide without opening their deck is all within the capabilities of this add-on. 

TwosDays - Cory - Google Slides Essay

Here is a  great throw-back template that can be utilized for students.  It is essentially a Google Slide deck that allows you to break up ideas and paragraphs into slides.  You can have students annotate, add items, or put in pictures or videos, but once you are ready to focus on the text, a simple button will turn the slide deck into a Google Doc that is much more appropriate for a final draft.  It’s a great way to add a few different wrinkles to the writing and learning process.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

TwosDay - Brandon - Differentiated Google Forms

Trying to carve out time to differentiate a lesson and give appropriate feedback can be difficult.  Google Forms allows you to do this quickly and effectively.  Take a look at how you can follow up an upcoming assignment with a Google Form that will reach all students and give them and you feedback for where they are with your content.

TwosDays - Sean - Google Form Quizzes

Want to quiz more but don’t have time to grade?  Spending some time creating a Google quiz will allow you to assess students more frequently and without the fear of needing to grade them all by hand.  Take a look at how you can step up assessment in your classroom.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

TwosDays - Sean - Reverse Order Forms Data Hack

Sometimes things feel just a little bit backwards, especially when working in the data-filled spreadsheet from a Google Form. The data naturally gets dumped into the sheet as oldest (at the top) to newest (at the bottom). However, most often, we want our newest data to be most easily accessible. There is a hack that I’ve been using to get around this and reverse the order.

TwosDay - Sean - GClassroom MultiStep Project Hack

Having students do multi-step projects or activities can sometimes set them up for getting ahead of themselves and then the issues compound. Pushing things out in Google Classroom as “Make a Copy For Each Student” is not conducive to adding items/steps along the way. However, I’ve been using this little hack that allows me to push files out as “Make a Copy For Each Student” while still able to keep kids focused in a more “step by step” manner.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

TwosDay - Amanda - LMCResources

We are so fortunate to have amazing resources provided not only to our students but teachers through the LMC. Overdrive is a digital library that students, as well as staff, can use to download an e-book or audio book. You can download the app and read the books on your phone or iPad or use your school device to access the books and audiobooks. National Geographic is also an amazing database that you and your students can use to access every magazine with full image scans since 1888! Check out these resources from the LMC homepage and feel free to reach out to Monica Tolva or myself for more help.

TwosDays -Amanda - Mastery Manager and PDG Help

We get a lot of questions in the HOTSpot regarding Mastery Manager and PDGs. Check out some tips in this video and stop in for help! The first tip is pretty basic but important: where do you find the reports option for creating and working with your PDGs? The other tips involve how to use the other functions that are available within an individual assessment. As always, stop by if you would like help with Mastery Manager!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

TwosDay - Bob - Google Forms and Sheets for Reassessments

Many teachers encourage students to reassess skills by allowing them to retake a quiz or test. I want to share with you a method using Google Forms and its related spreadsheet to organize and plan the appointments students make for their reassessment opportunities.

TwosDays - Amanda - Advanced Google Search Tips

You have been using Google to perform searches for years, but it never hurts to revisit some tips to make them more time-saving and efficient.  Here are some tips from Mandie about how to search for specific phrases, word definitions, image types, and more!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

TwosDay - Cory - Google Slides Stockpile

If you love a little variety in your presentation style, then I have a great resource for you that I will try to keep updated as I find helpful websites.  I created a one page Google Slide, bit.ly/slides-stockpile, that has hundreds of templates connected to it!  Just bookmark it in Chrome, and you should be able to find the perfect template for that next lesson or presentation.

TwosDays - Amanda - URL Links

If you are not already putting links in your Slides, Docs, Sheets, or Forms, you should have this simple understanding of how to link other information without long HTML addresses on the screen.  You can repeat the process with anything from pictures to titles to emails that would be worth hyperlinking for the benefit of your students. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

TwosDays - Amanda - Insert video into Google Slides

If a picture is worth one thousand words, what is a video worth?  Utilizing video in class is a powerful tool that brings experiences alive for students.  Here is a way that you can embed video from Youtube or Drive  in your next slideshow presentation.

TwosDay - Brandon - Video Doc Embed

Do you already use video in class?  Here is a way that you can put a video directly into a Google Doc so that you minimize hyperlinks and keep students in your class document.  It can also be used to house student videos to minimize your clicks on grading!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

TwosDay - Sean - Google Docs Comparison Tool

Comparing similarities and differences can be really powerful for learning. I was poking around in Google Docs recently, and I stumbled upon a new feature that allows you to compare two documents. This could be used to do a quick comparison between those two assignments you just checked through that sounded AWFULLY similar, or maybe you want to use it to illustrate the difference between a good paper (document 1) and a subpar paper (document 2). Either way, this new tool that lives inside Google Docs can be really powerful.

TwosDays - Sean - Docs… Fill In The Blanks

“Fill in the blanks” can be really useful for learning or just for work flow purposes. However, just putting an “underline” in the spot can really end up being a formatting disaster in the end. Here’s an oldie but goodie work-around to use during the setup process to help avoid the potential mess at the end.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

TwosDay - Amanda - Free Web Apps

Are you looking for more webtools for yourself or your students? Bo recently sent me this link, and it includes so many great FREE resources for you and your students to use. Everything from video converter, audio converter, PDF tools, video tools and the list goes on. Check them out and share with your students, and as always, please reach out if you have any questions!

TwosDay - Amanda - Aver CC30 Camera

Don’t forget we have this awesome camera available to check out and use in your class for video conferencing. If you need help setting up, a coach will be there to ensure everything goes well. Let us know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

TwosDay - Bob - New Features of Flipgrid Camera

Filters, Text Boxes, Stickers, Whiteboard, Live Recording, and Video Editing, Oh My! These are just some of the new features that Flipgrid added to its already-robust camera in August of 2019. Take a look at what these tools can do to enrich the video content that students produce for your classes. 
Source: http://ditchthattextbook.com/2019/08/06/shorts-season-an-introduction-to-the-new-flipgrid-camera/

TwosDays - Sean - Embedding & Customizing Videos in Slides

In keeping with the theme of video, here is a throwback tech tip that will show you how to embed Youtube videos into your Slides to create smooth, engaging lessons for students to follow. You’ll learn how to customize the experience so students don’t zone out or skip through the process.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

TwosDay - Cory - Originality Reports

You may have seen that little checkbox pop-up on your G-Class assignments. It is Google launching itself into the battle for academic integrity.  At the moment, it gives students the chance to run checks to see if they have properly given credit to sources, and it gives teachers a report that would flag any content that is not being pulled correctly. Although still in the beta stage, Google has it sights set on competing with the likes of Turnitin.com.

TwosDays - Brandon - GooseChase

The premise is simple: use the fun and engagement of a scavenger hunt to accomplish meaningful tasks in and out of the classroom.  The uses could stretch into anything from new material to review opportunities as you create a scavenger hunt that allows them to use what they love most- phones!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

TwosDay - Brandon - Flipgrid AR (Augmented Reality)

Flipgrid has made it easier than ever to share student created videos and let them elaborate on their work.  Through the flipgrid app and the use of QR codes, students can make their work truly come alive.  Create interactive posters, feedback, and more using Flipgrid’s augmented reality.

TwosDays - Korney - Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a video response system that allows for more student voice in your classroom.  Explanations, reflections, and feedback are given more power because you can hear and see the author of the content.  The best part is that it is free!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

TwosDay - Mystery Guest - Peer Tutoring App

Have you thought about using our ARC resources for your classroom?  There a few great ways to easily get the help that is offered.  The VH website can accomplish your needs, but there is also a VH ARC APP that allows you to find specific tutors, help a student of yours book a tutor you may know, or even rent-a-tutor (RAT) for a particular class and day.  These changes are all meant for ease and usability.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

TwosDay - Sean - Student Class Resources

Having resources available to our students on a regular, easy access basis is crucial to in class and out of class learning. Google Classroom has become the go to for most of us, but they’ve taken away the “Class Resources” tab. However, there’s an easy work around to create and continue to build resources throughout the semester for our students. This will also allow the kids to access all materials in just a matter of seconds once they’re in Google Classroom.

TwosDays - Sean - Reusable General Questions Form

Inevitably, unplanned scenarios come up in the classroom where we would love to gather responses from ALL students. However, pausing everything to set up or create a gathering tool “in the moment” can typically stall momentum and stifle interest. Check out this video for a quick way to set something up now that you can use all year long with your students.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

TwosDay - Amanda - Google Priority

A new update has arrived to Google Drive. Maybe you’ve noticed when you open Google Drive there’s a new option on the left hand side above “My Drive.” The Priority option in drive learns what files you use  most often and gives suggestions given the time of day in which you tend to use those files from AI technology. Below the row of suggested files, you will find the “workspaces” area. “Workspaces” allows the user to organize and quickly access files in one place without searching the entire Drive. You can create as many “workspaces” as you would like to help you organize the files you use most frequently in one easy-to-find location. Think about showing your students this option to organize group projects, research assignments or labs. 

TwosDays - Bob - Credit Hours for ISBE

The Lunch ‘n’ Learn season has already begun! After the wonderful learning is complete, don’t forget the important step of completing your post-PD evaluation in Frontline.  You will receive an email reminder after the PD is completed and then follow the steps in this video in order to finish the process and receive those much needed credits.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

TwosDays - Amanda - Slides Carnival

Do you want to spruce up those beginning-of-the-year presentations?  Do you want to show students how they can make an impactful first presentation in your class?  Take a look at slidecarnival.com! This site offers a variety of themes that go way beyond those included with Google Slides.

TwosDay - Bob - Google Classroom Startup Tips

Many VHHS teachers use Google Classroom to push out important information and resources to students. Here is a reminder about the COPY CLASS function that may make your startup process a little easier as well as a tip about pushing links and resources out to students  that may help you keep things running smoothly throughout the year.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

TwosDay - Allison - Picture in Picture

The Picture in Picture Extension for Chrome is a quick and easy tool for keeping a video floating above the work you are doing online. Think of how nice it will be to watch a video and take notes, give feedback, or write your lesson plan ideas at the SAME time!

All the joys of a split screen or extra monitor while working on your laptop on the go.

Resize and move your video around as you need it, and enjoy this tool as you maximize your time and efficiency!

Stop by the HOTSpot with any questions!

HOTSpot - Bob - Kahoot Alternative: Gimkit

If you are looking for an alternative to Kahoot or Quizizz, Gimkit might  be for you! Like other games, Gimkit allows students to earn points for correct answers to multiple questions. The twist with Gimkit is that students may use their points to buy upgrades to help them improve their ranking. The full version does require a purchase, but student response tends to be overwhelmingly positive.  If you have some spare time, check out what Gimkit has to offer!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

TwosDay - Brandon - Story Maker

Story Speaker lets you create and choose your own adventure narrative, but the twist is that it can be read or experienced though interactive voice chat.  While the tool is meant to be for straight narrative writing, I think you could easily work it into your curriculum with a  little creativity.  You could create flow charts for science, review questions with right and wrong answers, or even have students tell a story that integrates the content they are currently learning.  Try and make your next lesson even more immersive with Story Speaker.

TwosDay - Amanda - LockQuiz in Classroom

Recently, when talking to Joey Regan, he mentioned using short quizzes at the beginning of class as a formative assessment. These quick quizzes are created in Google Classroom, which provides many great options. He shared that he uses the new feature on Google Classroom to lock the student into the tab and loves that the quiz grades itself and provides opportunity for immediate feedback. Check it out, and let us know if you have any questions or how you are using this in your classroom. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

TwosDay - Cory - Audio In Google Slides

Trying to put audio in a slide was, at best, a workaround by inserting a Youtube video off the displayed screen.  Thankfully, Google has added an audio feature that allows you to throw an audio clip on a slide and automatically play it as you go through your presentation. Better yet, it hides the icon so that you know it is there, but it will not show in presentation mode.  No more spinning wheels and advertisements to wait for your sound to play on a video.  Think of all the clips you could store on your daily slide as examples and artifacts for the coming year!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

TwosDay - Allison - Data Gif Maker Final

Google’s Data GIF Maker tool allows you and your students to add some movement to otherwise static data. The easy to use interface and customization options makes showcasing your data easy for you and engaging for your audience with only a few clicks. Get rid of your old bar graphs and plain charts and let these data GIFs take your/your students’ presentations to the next level!

My Marzano Connection: DQ1 - Tracking progress & celebrating success

TwosDay - Bob - Gmail Shortcuts for Productivity

Sometimes it’s the little things that save us the most time, and two new features in Gmail may help you reclaim some of that productivity.  The new right-click menu allows you to perform several actions on a single message that used to take two or more mouse clicks to accomplish.  The “Schedule Send” feature allows you to compose a message and send it only when you’re ready.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

TwosDay - Amanda - CanvasApp

There are so many options for drawing and annotating but sometimes we want a simple and quick option. Look no further than https://canvas.apps.chrome/.  Students can upload images to label, use their touch screen to draw, or answer a question with just a few simple clicks and the use of their touch screen. Anything you create automatically saves to drive. Try it today with your students and let us know how you are using it in your class! 

TwosDays - Brandon (Cory) - Voice Typing

Many of us want to give quick and appropriate feedback, but it can be cumbersome in an all digital environment.  The voice to type tool in Google Docs allows for us to give quick verbal feedback to students that is quickly integrated.  Use it for students feedback, personal notation, or even getting around to writing that book you always wanted to.

Monday, April 8, 2019

TwosDay - Cory - Daily Slide Icons

I always find myself looking for models and exemplary work from previous years.  Why not create a system of icons on you daily slide that can take you directly to those?  Whether it is a mental connection for you in your future years or a resource for the students in the present, it makes sense to give your daily slides value as a home for more than just your bullet-pointed list of items for the day.  

TwosDay - Sean - Individualized Assignments In Classroom

My favorite Sesame Street segment was always “One of these kids is not like the others”. As teachers, we never have a classroom full of the “same” kids and treating them like individuals is imperative. Google classroom has been amazing for teachers and one of those ways is how it allows us to assign things to individuals in a class instead of locking us into either the whole class or nobody. Check out How!
My Marzano Connection: DQ3E19&20

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

TwosDay - Allison - DocHub PDF Editor

Whether you want to annotate something live for your students or have them complete a "digital worksheet," DocHub is a one-stop shop for editing PDFs for all sorts of purposes! It works super nicely with both Google Drive and Google Classroom and includes tools that allow you to add text, draw lines and shapes, "white out" parts of an existing PDF, add stamps, your own signature and more. (Plus, it autosaves!)

When you (or your students) are done editing, you can download the new PDF, save to your Drive, share it to Google Classroom, and more. No more chicken scratch annotations to decipher!

Come on by the HOTSpot if you'd like to learn more or need help getting started.

TwosDay - Bob - ISBE Evaluations in Frontline

After you sign up for and attend a Lunch ‘n’ Learn, you will have to complete an evaluation for ISBE in order to receive credit for attending. The email reminders we get let us know that the evaluation is waiting to be completed, but this video will let you know the clicks you’ll have to make to complete it.  It’s an easy process, so check it out!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

TwosDay - Amanda - YoTeach

If you are like me, you were bummed to hear that TodaysMeet was no longer an option for backchanneling. I’ve explored a few options and finally found what I think is a great alternative. “Yo Teach” is easy to set-up, share out, and use. You can keep the URL for as long as you would like, which makes it a nice solution for quick backchanneling opportunities in your classroom. Check it out, and let us know if you have any questions! YoTeach App

TwosDay - Brandon - Sutori

There are times that you want to combine multiple tools and ideas but it becomes too cumbersome to try and organize it all.  Sutori is a project based learning tool that allows you to app smash and combine all of your favorites into one activity.  These timeline activities you create take students to the next level of learning and allow students to use their voice in your classroom more often. Come into the HOTSpot, and we will help you get set up! Sutori

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

TwosDay - Cory - Scheduled Template in Hapara

Are you avoiding Hapara because it is too much of a challenge to watch over?  Try using the new scheduled templates that are much easier to employ.  At the beginning of the day, you could simply set up a time that is going to keep your students in a particular arena on the web, and you don't need to take much time setting it up.  Once you have a template prepared, reusing it makes it well worth your time. 

TwosDay - Sean - Customize Shortened URLs

Sometimes we need to just give people a URL instead of being able to push out a digital link. Maybe it’s for students or parents… maybe it’s for a sub… maybe it’s for a general audience that won’t have immediate access but need to access our referenced site at a later time. Whatever the case, giving random (long or shortened) URL’s is cumbersome.

However, bit.ly has a very easy customization option that’s fast and simple. All you need is a completely free account with them and you’ll be off and sailing through the world of shortening AND customizing URL’s for the ease of your audience.

My Marzano Connection: DQ2E7 & DQ5E28

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

TwosDay - Allison - RealtimeBoard

Reading to take your whiteboard activities to next level? Start INNOVATING in your classroom today with the help of RealtimeBoard. This is a free web app and is available as a mobile app for both Apple and Android. RealtimeBoard allows multiple users to collaborate on the same canvas or “whiteboard” space. Start with a blank slate or prepare a board ahead of time for students to manipulate and fill in. Teachers and students can add text, shapes, images, and files from your Drive and more. There are endless possibilities for this tool to boost your already great lessons! Students can have more voice in class and interact live, (even if they are home sick that day!) allowing them to take more ownership over their learning.

Bonus Tip! Untether yourself from your desk!

If you project your RealtimeBoard in the front of the room, then join the board on your own mobile device (laptop or phone) you can move amongst student groups and interact with the board alongside them! Learn more here, or come by the HOTSpot to get started!

TwosDays - Bob - Kahoot and Quizizz to Monitor Student Progress

Tech games such as Kahoot and Quizizz not only offer students a fun way to interact with knowledge, but they also provide teachers with metrics that can be used to inform their instruction.  Learn how to use the results spreadsheets after a game of Kahoot or Quizizz to evaluate student progress and address gaps in knowledge… all while students have fun! This data can be used as a way to monitor student learning and progress from applying to innovating on the Marzano Scale. Marzano Connection: DQ2 E8,13 / DQ3 E14 / DQ5 E25
https://quizizz.com  | https://kahoot.com 

Monday, February 25, 2019

TwosDay - Sean - Google Hangouts W/ Students

Google hangouts is a way to meet with students outside the walls of your classroom to hold meaningful and “face to face” interactions.  Late review sessions after school or online tutorials for difficult topics become a reality with this app.  In conjunction with screencasting you can record your sessions to share out later or for a student to look at even if they can't find the time to meet live!  

TwosDay - Amanda - ScreenCastOMatic For Chromebooks

I love using screencasting as a tool in my classroom to give all students a voice. There are several options but I personal use screencast-o-matic and was frustrated that they didn’t have a chrome extension so my students could use it. That is until now! There is now a chrome extension available in the chrome store. Have your students add it today and start screencasting! If you would like lesson ideas for screencasting or have questions please reach out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

TwosDay - Sean - Rubric Creator for Student Voice

There are some great tools out there related to rubrics, for assessments of all sorts. The one that I’ve grown to like most is called Rubistar and can be accessed by going to: www.rubistar.4teachers.org. This site has a bunch of different categories with hundreds of pre-populated performance level identifiers, but also provides the ability to customize any piece of it. My favorite way to use this is by putting it into my students’ hands during their 20% Time / Passion Projects and letting them create their own rubric by which they’ll be graded. This tool is free and does not require an account. 

TwosDay - Cory - Kahoot Student Questions

Kahoot is a well known tool that can feel like a lot of work on the teacher’s end to create something that may not be the payoff you were hoping for.  Here is a great twist on making a Kahoot that allows students in your classroom to create the questions using a simple Google Form.  Once students submit their questions and answers, the teacher can upload those spreadsheet results to Kahoot in order to automatically populate the questions. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

TwosDay - Allison - Notifications For Google Sheets

If you have spreadsheets or form responses that you don’t look at every day (or even every week...month...), but still want to know when someone makes a change on it, this notification tool will be great for you! Within Sheets, you can set it to send you a notification email either instantly or daily when another user edits the sheet or a new form response is submitted. The notification email gives a link where you can easily see exactly what was changed within your sheet, so you don’t have to search for differences. Plus, the other collaborators on your spreadsheet will not know you are getting notifications, so you don’t have to worry about looking like a weird sheet-stalker either! More info can be found here, or stop by the HOTSpot for help!

TwosDays - Bob - Variations on Quizlet Live

While students do enjoy a few rounds of Quizlet Live every once in a while, they would probably appreciate it even more with a little variety.  Ditchthattextbook.com offers several ways to play Quizlet Live, and in this video, we showcase four of them.  If you would like to know more, follow this link to ditchthattextbook.com.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

TwosDay - Brandon - Insert Learning

What Edpuzzle does for video, Insert Learning does for articles and webpages.  Turn traditional articles and websites into interactive lessons and discussions.  Students can experience literacy in a unique way and are given the chance to share their voice in a safe place.  The free version is limited, but with some creativity, you can take advantage of this great resource.

TwosDay - Mystery Guest - Tab Management With Tab Cloud

A big welcome to our mystery guest! Check out his video about the TabCloud Extension. TabCloud allows you to save and restore window sessions over time and across multiple computers. Save your windows and time by downloading this extension today.  Feel free to reach out to the mystery guest or a tech coach with any questions. Also, don’t forget to comment below the video if you can guess who is the mystery guest. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

TwosDay - Cory - Late and Missing Work in Google Classroom

All of the digital items that are now out there with tests and assignments have the potential to leave you quite disorganized.  This is generally compounded when students miss days or accomplish a task later than the rest of the class.  Try letting Google Forms and Google Classroom work together to minimize the digital distress. A checklist that you can revisit or bookmark is a simple setup for keeping your class up-to-date. 

TwosDay - Sean - Edu Documentaries For Cold Winter Days

As we look straight into the dark, cold, frozen future of this week, we may be wondering what the heck to do with all of our time. Have no fear! Netflix and Amazon Prime have some pretty great stuff for us teachers to cozy up in front of a fire with and get our learn on. You can access these shows quickly through the links here in the blog below.

Netflix: 9 Education Documentaries on Netflix in 2019

Amazon Prime: 8th Grade & The Brain

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

TwosDays - Allison Google Translate in Sheets

Translating to other languages can be fast and easy! (Or should I say "Rapido y facil" or... "Rapide et facile" or... "高速かつ簡単に"?!)  Right within Google Sheets you can easily translate words and phrases into more than 60 world languages with this simple formula.

=GoogleTranslate("Cell you want to translate", "source language","target language")

Example: =GoogleTranslate("A2", "en","es")

Here is a link to all the supported languages & their "codes."

This feature offers a lot of great opportunities in the classroom...

-ELL student support with assignments or text (think difficult or unknown vocabulary)

-Students collaborating in World Language courses to build and share live vocabulary lists.

-Globally connect with professionals and resources!

-Develop interview questions to talk with authentic experts in the field of topics you are discussing in class without language being a barrier!

If you need help with this feature, other formulas in Google Sheets, or anything else, come on by the HOTSpot!

TwosDays - Bob - Tech Tools for Monitoring Marzano Goals

Pear Deck, Padlet, Nearpod, and Socrative all offer teachers ways of administering formative assessment questions to students in an engaging way. They also record the data so teachers can track student progress and the effectiveness of their implementation of any DQ strategy. Teachers can use these tools to follow through on the crucial step of monitoring student performance and progress from developing, to applying, to innovating on the Marzano Scale.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

TwosDay - Amanda - Slide Carnival For Google Slides

Google Slides has so many wonderful features; however, their design templates are lacking big time. Before students start any slide deck, I encourage them visit this website to find an awesome design to spice up their presentation! I think teachers will find it equally as resourceful. Enjoy! www.slidescarnival.com

TwosDay - Mystery Guest - Google Classroom Organization Tips

An Alice Keeler blog post earlier in the school year gave a great tip to help my students quickly access my digital materials. The “#Today” topic stays on the top of the classwork feed, so it is the first thing my students see when they log in. And, the drag and drop feature allows me to move them to the right topic once the assignment is over.  I think by using this feature you can help streamline your classroom like I did for mine.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

TwosDay - Sean - On The Spot Formative Assessment Hack

As we begin the new semester, it’s often a goal to implement or try something that can make our instruction more crisp and efficient. A go to for many of us, Google Forms, can be leveraged in a way that allows a teacher to collect student responses to ANY question at ANY time, without ANY real time lost in class. With just a small amount of set-up work, I created a “General Questions Form” that I have all my students bookmark in week one of the semester. Once they have access to this form, since it’s set up in a generic nature, I can send them there to give feedback on anything at any time without having to create a new form and waste time in class getting it set up and sending out the link. Check out how this looks and works.

TwosDay - Cory - Printing Google Doc Comments

Paper can certainly be the best option for students to work with, but sometimes it is hard to turn the digital into a physical piece to use.  Google Docs has the ever so useful feature of comments, and at times, it would be great to get those comments onto a physical piece of paper for the students to work with.  Sadly, Google does not have a native way to do this, but here is a very simple work-around that may be useful for feedback in your classroom.