Monday, December 19, 2016

Work Faster in Google Docs with These 10 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Check out this great post from Better Cloud Monitor on ways to be more productive in Google Docs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

HOTSpot - Sean - HOTSpot Sean Gift Yourself A PLN with Twitter

The best gifts are the ones we give ourselves! The time for teaching on an island is over and education has so much to give and share. But, we can’t receive these gifts unless we open them up for ourselves. Twitter is a fantastic box to open for our professional growth and development as educators. No longer can we rely on others and “In-Service” days to solely help us get better...we need a Professional Learning Network of our own. If you’re not on Twitter, get yourself signed up and just follow. You don’t need to post or interact...just read and take and grow. Here are a few people and groups that I’d recommend following to start out with:

People - @alicekeeler @gcouros @rmbyrne @mickie_mueller @plugusin @ cybraryman

Groups - @ice_il @isteconnects @googleforedu @edtechteam

HOTSpot- Amanda- Quizizz Review Game

Students love review games, but often after playing another Kahoot I feel like they aren’t really reviewing, but instead, just playing another game. Some students get left behind or even give up once the realize that they aren’t fast enough. For this reason I’ve started using Quizizz in my classroom as a review option. Quizizz allows students to review in a self-paced environment. You can even assign the review activity through Google Classroom for students to complete for homework or continue to review at home before the assessment. In the classroom you can use Quizizz with a team approach to have groups work together to assess whether or not they understand the material. Providing a self-paced review environment while maintaining the “fun” factor really provides meaningful review opportunities.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

HOTSpot - Cory - formLimiter for a First Come Approach in Forms

Google Form now has an add-on that is able to automatically turn off ‘accepting responses’ when the form has reached a particular date or a specific amount of respondents.  It is an incredibly simple add-on that is sure to make tasks  like signing up or deadlines a smoother process.  Simply click on the puzzle piece in the upper right hand corner and choose what sort of limit you would like to set on the form.  

HOTSpot - Chris - Using YouTube Live and Google Slides for interactive online review

Reviewing for final exams is always a hot topic this time of year. For many years, I have run after school review sessions that were often sparsely attended and inconvenient for my schedule to stay after school. Last year second semester, I ran my first online review session and it was a hit with the students and was much easier for me to schedule. This year, I decided to tie in the Q&A feature of Google Slides to allow my students to ask questions. What is great about YouTube Live is that the whole session will be recorded and posted on my YouTube Channel. Hopefully, the technology doesn’t get in the way of learning and makes this a simple online review session.