Tuesday, December 10, 2019

TwosDays - Amanda - Overdrive & National Geographic

This video was shared in November, but it’s a great reminder for those long road trips or relaxation time over break!

Don’t forget you can check-out audiobooks as well as online printed materials from the website/ app Overdrive! We are so fortunate to have amazing resources provided not only to our students but teachers through the LMC. Overdrive is a digital library that students, as well as staff, can use to download an e-book or audio book. You can download the app and read the books on your phone or iPad or use your school device to access the books and audiobooks. National Geographic is also an amazing database that you and your students can use to access every magazine with full image scans since 1888! Check out these resources from the LMC homepage and feel free to reach out to Monica Tolva or myself for more help.

TwosDay - Amanda - Top Educator Podcasts to Enjoy

Are you taking a long road trip over break or planning some downtime to relax on a beach or next to a cozy fire? Check out these top podcasts to enjoy during your time off. Visit this blog post to see a list of the top 25 educator podcasts for 2019 and leave a comment if there are any podcasts you can suggest for our staff. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

TwosDay - Bob - Google Slides for Video Editing

Is there a video you would love to show your class but only in part? Maybe the first twenty minutes and the last five? Google Slides offers an easy, albeit rudimentary way to “edit” video segments together in a presentation.  Take a look at this video to see how to use the “Format Options” menu in Google Slides to specify start and end times for videos across several slides to show precisely the parts you want and omit the parts you don’t.

TwosDays - Sean - GIFs In Slides

Information overload can be a real struggle. Images can be super helpful to summarize content, and sometimes GIFs can be even more helpful. Finding and inserting GIFs into a Google Slide is super easy. Check out how to do that with this quick video.